Healthy Eating

The six principles of healthy eating
The key to healthy eating is having a balance of different foods and nutrients in your diet. There are a range of different types of eating (e.g. vegan and vegetarian) but the key principles of a healthy dietary pattern should run through all of these. Although there is no ‘one size fits all’ healthy diet, there are six principles we recommend.
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At least 5 A DAY.. Remember to include at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.

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Fiber.. Include plenty of fibre-rich foods, especially whole grains.

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Protein.. Include a range of protein foods, especially beans, peas & lentils.

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Dairy and alternatives.. Include some dairy foods or fortified alternatives.

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Choose the right fats.. Mainly unsaturated fats and oils.

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Limit.. Eat fewer foods and drinks that are high in fat, salt and sugars.